Tag Archives: sky

Love’s Black Hole

Everything with a nerve hurts
Chest pounding
Eyes heavy
Every breath feels faint
Like I’ve been running all day
How much longer I can go on
I really don’t know
My mind went days ago
And now my body is growing weary
My soul is yearning
My spirit depleting
Simple tasks are becoming conundrums
Normal functionality is slowly shutting down
Irritable doesn’t fully describe
Neither does deprived or famished
I feel completely void without you
If only you were here
I imagine it would only take
One kiss
One hug
One true embrace
To recharge and restore
Every broke down
Molecule inside of me
To feel your spirit close to mine again
Is all I need
You are all I need
And that need is dire……


Would you let me touch you
With my mind
Not physically
Enter your cerebral
Make love to you mentally
Paint a picture of love in your head so vividly
That the thought of our lips conjoining begins to lift you
Can you hear me?
As my whispers send shocks thru you internally
And the reverberations induce sensations
That shake you to your core
Until your legs tremble
Forcing surrender
Aloud you beg “please no more”
I continue to graciously tip toe on your mind
Stroke and massage your nerves
My touch radiates over your body
Every inch
Every curve
So in warning I can only suggest you prepare for a mental stimulation unlike any you’ve ever seen
Would you let me touch you


If everything meant nothing
And you meant everything
Why would we give something
If we wouldn’t get everything
What we lacked
Were facts
It was a plan you see
We tried
To make real lives
Out of fantasy
But we lied
To each other
Not on purpose but by chance
Of it were up to us
There be no fuss
Things would go by plans
But something bigger
Someone wiser
Major schemer
Would devise a
Better future
Had to lose ya
From the range
Of my visor
Try to hide the
Dormant feelings
Because they come with a price
No turning back
Cuz it’s a trap but
Such comes with Life


Heavy eyes
Long yawns
Sleep is near I can feel it
Sleep ha, the only thing more relaxing than the thought of her
No!! the thought of her before sleep is bad
It always leads to dreams
Dreams I can not control or understand
But tonight (yawns) tonight feels diff……..
I must’ve dosed off
That was quick lol
Gotta get outta bed and head to the bathroom
But something’s off I feel like
Like I’m falling
A free fall
No I’m definitely falling
And fast
My heart begins to beat out of control
Ripping thru clouds
It hits me that I won’t be falling for long
Scared to look down because
Well I know what’s waiting for me
But suddenly as I realize why I’m falling
My heart rate levels out
The velocity of my drop decreases
And now I’m floating
Embracing my surroundings
Enjoying every second of the fall
A rush then a calm
How fitting
Instantly another rush but I’m being pulled up
And just as fast as I fell I’m climbing thru the sky
And I’m awoken by two full lips
Pressed gently yet intensely on my cheek
Open my eyes and I see you….
And I know why I fell
Why I’m still falling